《断背山》插曲《I Don’t Want To Say Goodbye》

2012/11/25 2,080 views 2 Comments

歌名:I Don’t Want To Say Goodbye

演唱者:Teddy Thompson

所属专辑:Brokeback Mountain (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)




介绍:今天无意中听到这首歌曲,后来找无损资源的时候发现原来是非常有名的电影《断背山》中的主题曲,虽然没看过这部但是这部基情电影的代表作我想大部分人还是知道的。这首《I Don’t Want To Say Goodbye》真的很好听,歌声轻缓悠扬,如诉衷肠,让人听后很难不为之动情。



I don’t want to say goodbye

Let the stars shine through.

I don’t want to say goodbye

All I want to do is love with you.

Just like the light of the morning after the darkness has gone

The shadow of my love is falling on a place where the sun always shine.

Don’t you know that’s where our hearts both belong?

‘Cause I don’t want to say goodbye.

Let the stars shine through.

‘Cause No, I don’t want to say goodbye

All I want to do is live with you.

Together our two hearts are strong

Don’t you know that’s where our hearts both belong?

‘Cause I don’t want to say goodbye

Let the stars shine through.

I don’t want to say goodbye

All I want to do is live with you

All I want to do is live with you


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《断背山》插曲《I Don’t Want To Say Goodbye》》上有2条评论

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